Smart technological solutions for Health
SmartHealth4All has boosted an ecosystem dedicated to researching, producing and disseminating intelligent solutions to improve healthcare provision and users' well-being based on emerging information, communication and electronic technologies.
Driven by the Health Cluster Portugal, the Project's main focus was developing solutions for the prevention, diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of diseases and other medical conditions, especially those of a chronic nature and/or linked to ageing.

The innovation factor
SmartHealth4All developed several disruptive technologies:
- My Care Shoe: a shoe that prevents diabetic foot ulceration;
- Bedroom+: a headboard with intelligent systems for monitoring and controlling the bedroom environment;
- Sleep+: an ergonomic and intelligent pillow, washable and with antimicrobial properties, which releases sleep-inducing fragrances and promotes better head positioning, reducing snoring;
- aptaMED: a remote medication monitoring device that easily adapts to a wide range of pre-existing medicine bottles;
- MuscleBAN Strap: a sleeve for muscle rehabilitation, designed for independent use by patients, which can be easily washed and reused.
These innovative products can be controlled via mobile applications.
The SmartHealth4All Project was co-financed by the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (COMPETE 2020) and by the Lisbon Regional Operational Program (Lisboa 2020) of Portugal 2020 through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).