Building & Smart Spaces
More efficient and intelligent built environments focused on carbon neutrality
The built environment significantly impacts the economy, society, and the planet. According to the European Commission, the Construction sector is one of the largest consumers of energy and non-renewable resources, heavily contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and waste production. Therefore, it is a strategic goal of Europe to accelerate the ecological and digital transition of this sector, making it greener, more competitive, and efficient.
Technological innovation fosters the creation of more efficient, sustainable, and intelligent products and solutions, as well as the promotion of circularity throughout the lifecycle of buildings, leading to a more sustainable built environment with a lower environmental impact.
CeNTI has been involved in various research and innovation Projects and initiatives, in synergy with several sector entities, aiming to transform traditional materials, products, and processes, through the integration of Nanotechnology, Advanced Materials, and Smart Systems, enabling the creation of disruptive solutions with enhanced and/or new functionalities.
Different innovative, intelligent, and multifunctional solutions have been developed, such as sensor and actuator systems integrated into facades, minimalist windows, furniture, and other materials; energy and resource management and monitoring platforms, including water, effluents, raw materials, and waste; energy generation and storage structures, such as Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPVs), photovoltaic panels, batteries, and energy communities; as well as extraction, recovery, and recycling of critical and secondary raw materials, with valorisation into new materials and products, promoting sustainability and circular processes.