Health & Well-being



Smart medical technologies for better health and care

Smart-Health-4-All mobilizing project aims to stimulate an ecosystem dedicated to research and development (including clinical and translational research), production, marketing and dissemination of medical technologies in Portugal (including medical devices and digital health solutions), based on information, communication and electronic technologies (IECT), and on Future and Emerging Technologies (FET).

The project crosses different areas of knowledge, such as health sciences and engineering, as well as crosses high-tech sectors (eg IECT, nanotechnologies) with other traditional ones (textiles, footwear, plastics and furniture), both productive and services.

The project extends from the knowledge production to the widespread dissemination of the developed solutions, applicable both in the context of formal provision of health care and in day-to-day life of a vast universe of users / patients, with special focus on areas socially and economically impacting in the context of global health market. From a medical / clinical point of view, the focus is on prevention, diagnosis, monitoring and treatment / rehabilitation of diseases and other medical conditions, especially chronic and/or aging related diseases, including oncological, neurological, cardiovascular and diabetes.

The project is structured in 6 PPS (Products, Processes and Services), from which will result 9 new solutions, and has a consortium of 11 companies and 13 R&D entities, being led by Siemens Healthcare Unipessoal, Lda.

Website: Smart Health 4 All


Main Goals/Activities

  • PPS1 – Smart-Health-4-All Development and Testing Platform: creation and implementation of a support platform to the development and testing of “customized” eHealth e Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) devices and services for nacional and internacional health market;

  • PPS2 – Personal Health Devices: validation of wearable devices and products, namely: My Care Shoe, smart shoes for diabetics; and MuscleBAN Strap, a smart textile sleeve with built-in wireless EMG sensors to support upper and lower limb recovery;

  • PPS3 – Mobile Health Apps: validation and certification of mobile applications and associated devices such as medical devices, namely: Brain Diagnosis, for all people who do not have a diagnosed cognitive deficit and who are interested in objectively monitoring their cognitive performance using questionnaires, as well as other biomarkers such as gait; and Biosensors, to facilitate the conduct of clinical trials associated with the development of new drugs and the development of new medical devices, through a mobile application and a set of medical devices for monitoring breathing, temperature, ECG, and SpO2;

  • PPS4 – Home Health Devices: development of pilot systems to monitor and improve sleep quality, namely: Pillow with built-in electronic systems for monitoring and improving the user's sleep quality; and Bedroom module (materialized in a bed / bed headband) with electronic systems incorporated in the laminated structure for monitoring environmental and user parameters related to sleep quality, with an actuation effect (home automation) on the surrounding environment;
  • PPS5 – Medication Management Devices: Integrated management and control system for automatic medication delivery and taking of medications integrated into a platform and adaptable to the needs of users, namely: aptaMED, a device that can be attached to the base of any pre-existing medicine bottle, giving it new features in order to assist the user during drug therapy; and development of an innovative solution capable of automating all tasks and processes covered by the drug delivery system cycle, which is currently totally dependent on the human component;

  • PPS6 – Coordination, Promotion, Dissemination and Explotation of Results: technical and scientific management, as well as promotion and dissemination, including sensibilization and capacitation actions in eHealth and AAL for users and health care professionals/units, and internationalization actions.

Project Number

POCI-01-0247-FEDER-046115; LISBOA-01-0247-FEDER-046115


PT2020 – SI I&DT Empresarial – Programas Mobilizadores

Project duration

November 2020 to June 2023

Intervention Region

Alentejo, Lisbon, Centre and North of Portugal

Approval date

23rd July 2020

Total eligible cost

6 342 302.10 €

Financial support EU

ERDF – 4 270 451.88 €

Main objective

Strengthen research, technological development and innovation

With support of: