Seminar on Sustainability and Circularity will bring together professionals and researchers at CeNTI

'From Research to Product: Paths to Sustainability and Circularity' will be the theme of a seminar gathering professionals and researchers dedicated to these areas at CeNTI on March 19th. Organised by CeNTI, this will be the first of two seminars with a scientific and technological focus on Advanced Materials and Textile Bioeconomy.
Promoted within the scope of the be@t Project, specifically under Pillar IV, Initiative 9, Measure 3, the session, scheduled from 2:00 pm to 5:30 pm, will provide moments for knowledge-sharing, networking, and presentation of challenges, trends and innovative technological solutions. The session will also include a visit to CeNTI's facilities.
Registration for this event is free, but mandatory. You can register HERE (only in Portuguese).
be@t - bioeconomy at textiles is a Portuguese Project dedicated to drive the creation and consolidation of a truly innovative, sustainable, and circular national Textile and Clothing Industry, through the research and development of textile products and materials from biological and renewable sources, with enhanced environmental credentials, while maintaining high performance standards.
Traceability, transparency, eco-design, and eco-engineering are also topics promoted by the Project, which brings together 55 entities - including CeNTI - from the business, scientific and technological fields.
See all the information about this Portuguese research HERE and HERE.
The Project is funded by the European Commission's Recovery and Resilience Facility.
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