Other Areas



Boosting technology transfer for a sustainable industry

This project aims to promote and boost the transfer of scientific and technological knowledge to the business community in the fields of Nanotechnology, Advanced Materials and Intelligent Systems for Sustainability and Intelligent Digitalisation, in the context of the European Green Deal. To this end, a series of initiatives and actions have been designed to demonstrate, disseminate and valorise the results of research & development and their economic exploitation in the markets and by companies, in order to stimulate demand from traditional industry for technological solutions that can leverage the development of value-added products/processes and position national industries in the most competitive markets.

The focus areas of this project are related to Energy, Transport, Industry and Research & Innovation, which are part of a set of eight actions included in the European Green Deal, with a view to ‘improving the well-being and health of citizens and future generations, providing, among other benefits, renovated and energy-efficient buildings, energy systems and cutting-edge technological innovations that are less polluting, products with greater durability that can be reused, repaired and recycled, and a competitive and resilient industry worldwide’.

To achieve the objectives of the European Green Deal, it will be essential to mobilise research and promote disruptive innovation, significantly increasing the large-scale deployment and demonstration of new sustainable technologies and solutions in all sectors and throughout the single market, thus building new innovative value chains and creating economic value by offering high added value products or services (based on the European Green Deal).

Website: Green4Industry


Main Goals/Activities

  • To promote the development of diagnosis and technology surveillance activities of technological and knowledge transfer case studies, aiming the identification, characterization and leverage of base knowledge for value proposals, and the optimization of the sharing information process to promote cooperation between companies and technological and scientific entities, stating their context, competences and mission;

  • To promote the development of products and services by introducing, in the production cycle, methodologies, materials and technologies of specialised development focusing on sustainability, ‘smartization”, and intelligent digital transformation. The purpose is to foster technological and digital transition and the competitiveness of traditional products and sectors;
  • To promote the development of value-added products in fundamental areas, namely related with Energy, Transport, and Industry, seeking for sustainable solutions, enhancement of products life cycle, and increase of industrial competitiveness and resilience.


  • Preparation of CeNTI technology offers

  • Workshops on Intelectual Property

  • Promotional videos

  • Representative demonstrators of Energy, Transport, Industry areas

  • Demonstration / dissemination actions

  • Final event “Sustent(H)abilidade dos Materiais Avançados: Qual o caminho?”

  • Prize “CeNTI Innovation”

Project Number



Sistema de Apoio a Ações Coletivas (SIAC) – Transferência do Conhecimento Científico e Tecnológico

Project duration

January 2022 to June 2023

Intervention Region

Alentejo, Lisbon, Centre and North of Portugal

Approval date

17 February 2022

Total eligible cost

376 881.09 €

Financial support EU

FEDER – 320 348.93 €

With support of:
