Automotive & Aeronautics


Breathability and moisture management in car seat

The BREATHE2SEAT project aims to optimize and validate from a technological and industrial point of view a PVC-based artificial leather material, for automotive application, developed in an earlier project by working in the following aspects:

  • Research and selection of materials and raw materials with suitable characteristics and properties;
  • Optimization of the backing side layer focused on the enhancement of its breathability and moisture management;
  • Optimization of the structure and surface layer, where solutions for drilling and surface finishing will be considered to improve the performance of the artificial leather material, based on the previously validated technological results.

To fulfill this goal, TMG Automotive and CeNTI have joined forces to develop a new, more comprehensive and higher TRL project.


Main Goals/Activities

The project Breathe2Seat aims to validate and optimize, from the technological and industrial point of view, PVC based artificial leather systems with improved breathability and moisture management properties, which were developed on the R&D project PT21-Powered Textiles 21-PPS1: Autosolutions.


  • Development of PVC-based artificial leather material with improved properties in terms of breathability and moisture management when compared to standard a PVC based artificial leather for automotive application. Several aspects of the material were worked from the inside out to maximize the target properties;

  • The most promising materials developed were used to prepare car seat covers and their performance in "use" was tested using a thermal manikin;

  • The performance of the better project material was compared to benchmarking materials and its performance was comparable.

Project duration

January 2016 to June 2017

Intervention Region

North of Portugal

Total eligible cost

286 209.88 €

Financial support EU

ERDF – 170 888.86 €

With support of: