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Bioeconomy at Textiles
“be@t – bioeconomy at textiles” Project aims to contribute to the generation and consolidation of a truly innovative, sustainable and circular national Textile and Clothing Industry, embracing the mission “From nature, in a circular and sustainable way, to people”.
With the bioeconomy motto, be@t brings together 54 entities in search of solutions for the reconversion of the Textile and Clothing sector in themes such as traceability and transparency, eco-design and eco-engineering, impact and new sustainability metrics.
This Project thus intends to create new processes, products, and textile materials, of biological origin (using raw materials from forestry and agro-food sector), renewable, functional and with better environmental credentials, alternative to fossil-based ones. Supported by 4 major pillars: Biomaterial, Circularity, Sustainability and Society, the Project goal is to set a new pace of change, implement circular value chains based on biological resources, and contribute to an environmentally friendly culture and responsible consumption.
Website: Be@t

Main Goals/Activities
be@t project aims to:
In this Project, CeNTI participates in all pillars, with special focus in some initiatives and measures related with:
Project technical dataCode
N.º 02/C12-i01/2021Project Number
-Funding programme. Dimension
Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP). Climate TransitionComponent
C12 – Sustainable BioeconomyMeasure
TC-C12-i01 – Bioeconomia SustentávelConsortium leader
CITEVE – Technological centre for the Textile IndustryInvestment (project)
137 931 727.66€Beneficiary entity
CeNTI - Centre for Nanotechnology and Advanced MaterialsInvestiment (beneficiary)
7 701 377.81€Project duration
July of 2022 to December of 2025RRP Website