

Nanocapsules, porous (nano)structures and/or inclusion complexes with essential oils for fibers and structures textile structures

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The project NEO4Future aims to develop textile filaments containing trapped or encapsulated essential oils (EOs) and their subsequent integration into textile structures. After the proper encapsulation or fixation of EOs in porous (nano)structures, which will enable the release of these active principles in a controlled manner, their incorporation in the textile filaments will be carried out by extrusion processes. The encapsulation or fixation should preserve the therapeutic properties (e.g., antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-odor) of the EOs, not only during the extrusion process but also during the life cycle of the filament and/or textile structure. To assure the project’s success, a multidisciplinary and skilled consortium was defined, composed by FITEXAR, BLOSSOM ESSENCE, CENTI and UBI, along with an international partner, CODA PLASTICS.

Main goals

1. Formulation of EOs mixtures to fix/encapsulate;

2. Development of EOs encapsulation/fixation processes in (nano)porous biocompatible structures, to ensure the integrity of EOs properties and to make them processable in conventional extrusion lines;

3. Incorporation of the inclusion complexes with therapeutic EOs into the polymeric matrix and subsequent extrusion of textile filaments with encapsulated EOs by melt-spinning, to preserve the intrinsic therapeutic properties related to these compounds;

4. Development of functionalized textile structures and study of the diffusion and solidity of the obtained systems during the life cycle of the textile substrates, so that the EOs remain functional for the longest possible period.

-Summary/Main Goals

Project Number: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-061912

Approval date: 13 January 2021

Project Duration: January 2021 to June 2023

Total Eligible Cost: 936 341,01 €

Financial Support EU: FEDER – 674 112,66 €

Project Type: Projeto SI&DT Empresarial – Copromoção

Intervention Region: Centre and North of Portugal


1.New formulations resulting from the mixture of specific EOs to enhance functionalities;

2. Porous (nano)substrates containing encapsulated/fixed OEs;

3. Functional polymeric compounds containing previously developed solutions;

4. Textile filaments with trapped or encapsulated OEs that preserve therapeutic properties after extrusion;

5. Multifunctional textile structures capable of releasing EOs in a prolonged and controlled manner.

Related Items

Dissemination Activities - See here


Project video: see here



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